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NPF - Working towards a greener and more sustainable future

Here at NPF, we are very lucky to be located in a stunning natural woodland environment. Over the past 30+ years, we have taken great care to manage this environment and work in harmony with it's natural beauty and abundant wildlife. We have created a habitat where our human adventurers have as little impact on the natural surroundings and wildlife as possible.

As time passes, and the environment and climate in which we all live becomes ever more important, we continue to work towards a sustainable and green future.

Examples of some of the changes and processes we have put in place at NPF Bassetts Pole:

  • An Energy Resource Efficiency Audit was carried out on site, Spring 2024 
  • Electrical efficiency: LED Bulbs, motion activated PIR sensor lighting, ensuring lights are switched off wherever possible when not in use
  • Water conservation: Fitting of press release taps in all washrooms etc, to reduce the amount of water wasteage
  • Recycling: Cardboard/ packing materials/ paper / composting, building game zones and props from recycled materials + harvested renewable materials
  • Maximising biodiversity: Maximising natural bird, bat, small animal and insect friendly environments at the venue.
  • Woodland management: Continuous management of the several species of flora, fauna, and trees on-site. Allowing for harvesting of wood for reuse, maintaining deadfall to create natural habitats for insects, small animals and vegetation.
  • Co2 reduction: Decision to completely remove use of co2 tanks for paintball games, thus reducing the huge impact of carbon dioxide use.
  • Bushcraft / Outdoor Learning Activities: Teaching adults, school children / young people about native wildlife, conservation, recycling and an appreciation for the great outdoors.
  • Financially supporting (via donations of tickets, events, etc) worthy causes including those promoting conservation.
  • Membership of the Wildlife Trust. 

As a fully outdoor business venue, we are seeing first hand the impact that climate change and human action has on the natural world around us. We are always looking for methods and opportunities to become more efficient and achieve our sustainability targets. This focus continues to evolve and change over time, as we discover new ways to reduce our impact on the environment.

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Est 1987. NPF Bassetts Pole Adventure Park, Trickley Coppice, London Road, Bassetts Pole, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, West Midlands B75 5SA

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